Thursday, July 10, 2008

Still here, getting back on track

My apologies for appearing to have abandoned this blog. I didn't, and it certainly wasn't my intention to go so long without updating it. (In particular, I didn't want to foist yet another blog on the world that would be started, then dropped, the author never being heard from again.)

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I had to move in June -- from the place I'd lived for eight years to a smaller place. There are a lot of advantages to where I'm living, but much of May and June were taken up by sorting, tossing, packing, moving, and unpacking. With a couple of out-of-town family events (a graduation and a wedding) thrown in for good measure. Erg.

But things are starting to calm down now. I'm mostly unpacked, if not yet feeling completely 'together.' I've started writing again, and am working on a post or two for this blog, my goal being to post at least several times a week. Expect the first 'real' post by this weekend.

Thank you for your patience...

1 comment:

Marina said...

Gotta love that unpacking. Glad things are calming down for you now. I've been looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on writing.