Sunday, May 4, 2008

Playing catch-up

Well. I've had A Week. Insert just about any adjective before 'week' and it would probably work ('busy,' 'insane,' 'good,' 'exhausting'...)

But I've got a new place to live, the lease is signed, and I have six weeks or so before I actually have to move. This means, among other things, a chance to sort through clutter, catch up on various tasks, and maybe even get some writing done.

One of the catch-up tasks is some follow-up posts on this blog. I realized just this week that several people replied to one of my early posts on characters. I didn't respond because I didn't know the comments were there -- I thought I'd set things so I'd get email updates when people responded, and apparently hadn't. (I believe I've done so, now, but have been checking for myself rather than trusting Blogger to do it for me.) Anyway, sg1jb, Lex, and Marina all said interesting things I want to follow up on, and I'll do so once I've finished posting about the writer's conference.

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